Well we now have another new addition. I just bought a young female Dutch Rabbit yesterday from a near by flea market/thrift store like place. Her name is Astrid. Her coat is a sort of two toned between gray and chocolate brown, sort of a mint chocolate color as I am calling it. She had a different color pattern then the other rabbits they had there, which were like the standard dutch rabbit color pattern. She is mostly all mint chocolate brown except a white blotch on her right shoulder that goes all the way to under her neck, her front left paw is brown while all the others are white, and a white blaze on her face. She is extremely docile and sweet. She doesn't mind me picking her up at all, and I can put her on the ground and she wont run away. Me and my mom noticed this about her right away when we saw her. All the other rabbits were in the back of the cage, while she came and rushed up to us. I'll have better pictures later, but here are a couple of pics I took yesterday on the ride home and when I got her home.
She is living in Tsune's old cage, and she seems to like it well. We had to modify the cage so I can get her out more easily, making two doors on the front.
Astrid means both Divine Beauty and Divine Strength. It comes from the root word star.
I guess that is all for now, ~Eler Beth~
Thursday, May 06, 2010
I think posting is going to be a weekly/by weekly think for me.
A couple of days ago my rabbit, Tsune, escaped out of her cage. I might have a chance at catching her but it is very unlikely.
My leopard gecko is doing great. We named her Samantha. She has been eating crickets with calcium powder on them five days a week. She shed her skin a week ago, but right after that, her toes on her back leg seemed to stick together. Now they are kind of bound together by a black scab looking thing. I don't know what is going on, so if anyone who has one for a pet knows, please let me know. In the meantime, I am going to ask on Gecko's Unlimited Forms.
I've been playing my key board a lot lately and have learned the old Pokemon theme, Rose of May, and song of healing. I don't know the left hand part of rose of may and cant pay both parts at the same time on the Pokemon song. So far, song of healing is the only one I know and can play both parts of, but I don't know the final part of it yet.
I have caught over 200 fish this year! We have a pond nearby that is over populated with bass and they are biting like mad! I'll post some pictures of the ones we caught sometime. We will be eating the bass for months to come ^^
I'm changing my blogs music again. This time it is a fire emblem song. I was hoping to get the original version, but this was the best I could find. Though if you want to listen to the original version, here it is on Youtube
Well, that is all for now. I'll post again soon, ~Eler Beth~
Son-in-Law here!
I've been in the Smash 4 Community since the release of Brawl, and while I was never competitive during Brawl's life span, I went to many tournaments with my brother Hilt and knew a lot of the community. I am now learning competitive smash 4.